Cherry cake and ginger beer is the fantastic title of a book that I read a while ago, and managed to pick up a cheap copy of this week. This is absolutely perfect nostalgia reading (as provoked an enthusiastic response over on Paperback Reader's blog last weekend) as it is combination recipe book/digest of what they ate in classic children's books.
I shall definitely be making something from here soon, but I think it is one of those recipe books that is just as good to read as a book in itself as to cook from (in fact it may be better, as the illustrations are not of the recipes themselves, but relate to the books that the recipes come from).
I've done some other baking too...
I made some oat and raisin mini cookies for my boyfriend's lunch this week...
...as well as some fairy cakes with sprinkles...
...and a Delia lemon madeira cake (although I didn't make mine wholemeal)...
...to go with some raspberry frozen yoghurt in my ice cream machine...
...and a quiche for tea tonight. I've not made quiche before so that was quite exciting, and enabled me to use my new quiche dish as well as one of my mini quichlet dishes. I didn't make my own pastry though, but was happy to see Anthony Worrall Thompson in Vegetarian Monthly this month saying that it wasn't worth the hassle since chilled pastry is of such good quality. These were a bit disappointing as the pastry shrank (when I blind baked them) which minimised the amount of filling I could put in, so they were quite pastry heavy...any ideas on how to avoid this??
Mmmm, baking... All I have added to my repertoire thus far is banana bread.
ReplyDeleteI have coveted Cherry Cake and Ginger Beer for a while, it looks like the trip down memory lane that I often enjoy (and thanks for the mention!) The title alone evokes memories of Enid Blyon's Famous Five for me.
Your neighbours must have been drooling at the delicious aromas coming from your kitchen!
ReplyDeleteBanana bread is great. And I love baking for making our flat smell nice.
ReplyDeleteI shall write more about CC & GB in due course, but I accidentally published the post before I was ready, and ended up not spending the day at home but following my boyfriend up to London...(3 hours reading time on the bus though!)
I had dreadful insomnia last night and was sat in the kitchen at 1am eating madeira cake and reading CC&GB - I noticed in the bibliography that she cites 2 Persephone books (Kitchen Essays, and another cookery one). That made me smile. Still can't figure out what to cook - the recipes all *sound* appealing but aren't really the kind of things I like to make...