Last month I enjoyed writing a round up of September, inspired by Joan at flowers and stripes, and I'm going to do it again. JoAnn at Lakeside Musing managed to do an alphabetised list of her month - I tried to do it, but it was a bit beyond me.
Here's what October was for me...
Reached total of £1550+ raised for Mind, with my epic swim, in memory of my dear friend Emily, and realised that this means over £3100 raised in two years!
Marked the anniversary of Emily's death by going to a singing day with John Rutter.
Huge sadness with bereavement in K's family.
Much tiredness.
Wonderful support from friends.
A few new books due to the kindness of a friend and a preorder - cheered up the lack of books being bought.
Learned to make pastry in my Kenwood mixer and made 2 quiches.
Took up Get Latin Fit class as so bored of staring at the bottom of the swimming pool whilst ploughing endlessly up and down in an attempt to stay fit.
Began preparing for Christmas:
Started frantically cross stitching Christmas cards; did a number of Christmas trees, 2 Forever Friends and now enjoying a set of The Snowman.
Made mincemeat, and plan to make Christmas chutney.
Tried to persuade K to help me make Christmas cards with spray paint, as incapable of cross stitching 60 cards..
Completed all my Christmas shopping, bar K who still hasn't made up his mind.
Started dropping hints left, right, and centre for things that I would like (isn't twitter great!)
In November, I'm looking forward to...
Making more preparations for Christmas.
The arrival of our piano!
Going to the ROH to see Sylvia, K's birthday present from me.
Trying desperately to be frugal...
Hopefully seeing the husband of a good friend at the end of the month - if I can't see her, seeing him is the next best thing!
A whole bunch of non-reviews
9 hours ago