I have been far too busy looking at our wonderful wedding lunch photos tonight to think about blogging properly (which is a shame as I was going to blog about the cheering properties of cake - it's not groundbreaking, but important still!) - I don't want to share the ones with people in (although they are wonderful and I can't stop looking at them), but here's some of the "details" from the day....
I love books, baking and my boyfriend, and love to write about the first two. I particular love "forgotten" books, books brought out of obscurity by republication and those still languishing in obscurity. I'm currently reading my way through all of the Virago Modern Classics, but taking in other books along the way.
(I am sure that this list will be added to, and I will probably make things from my regular repertoire along the way, especially for Mr W's packed lunches, but I need some focus for my baking!)
These pictures are just lovely. x