There's been a bit of a baking hiatus recently, and I'm afraid that that's likely to continue for the rest of the month, and into August too, as we're away most weekends. The boyfriend will still need to be fed cake I am sure, but I am likely to just make quick and easy recipes and not try anything new. Like these gingerbread stars. It's a recipe that came with my gingerbread family cutters (I once complained about the inequality issue in gingerbread cutters to a friend, and he found me a set containing a gingerbread man, woman, boy and girl) which is quite easy. I find that gingerbread biscuits go so well with strawberries, and especially with my strawberries and cream homemade ice cream.

I made these rather cute little heart shaped shortbreads with chocolatey bits out of a bit of a disaster. I'm planning to make
the cherry cake again this weekend, as we're hoping to get out to the PYO tomorrow, and they have cherries in season now! (Plus it is my boss's 60th in a few weeks time, and we're having a tea-party, and she chose that cake from the list I gave her, so I need to have a dry run). Anyway, I made the batter and the crumble topping last night to put in the fridge, only I had to ditch the first lot of crumble topping. My efforts to soften the butter were perhaps a little too strong, and I ended up with liquid, which meant that the topping turned into a dough...never mind I thought, I'll add some more flour and some chocolate drops and sprinkles and make them into cookies.
I am compiling a wish-list of baking, I'll post it here to remind myself, but feel free to encourage me to make something you like the look of!
- Nicola's cinnamon buns (recipe not online I'm afraid!)
strawberry buns-
rhubarb spelt cake-
peach melba squares-
walnut date and honey cakeI also want a remake of bakewell tarts, and of quiche (without the pastry shrinking!), and I want to make a Victoria sponge with my own jam, and maybe jam tarts with my own pastry... Yum yum.
And I just had a thought that it would be nice to do some Cornish inspired baking. I had a go at a rather unsuccessful saffron loaf last September, and I'd like to have another go. Or some Cornish
hevva cake maybe.
Gingerbread in any shape with a cup of tea is sheer bliss but I do own a gingerbread lady cookie cutter too.