This final famous passage really sums up the book and his travels:
"Southampton to Newcastle, Newcastle to Norwich: memories rose like milk coming to the boil. I had seen England. I had seen a lot of Englands. How many? At once, three disengaged themselves from the shifting mass. There was first, Old England, the country of the cathedrals and minsters and manor houses and inns, of parson and Squire; guide-book and quaint highways and byways England…
"Then, I decided, there is the nineteenth-century England, the industrial England of coal, iron, steel, cotton, wool, railways; of thousands of rows of little houses all alike, sham Gothic churches, square-faced chapels, Town Halls, Mechanics’ Institutes, mills, foundries, warehouses, refined watering-places, Pier Pavilions, Family and Commercial Hotels, Literary and Philosophical Societies, back-to-back houses, detached villas with monkey-trees, Grill Rooms, railway stations, slag-heaps and ‘tips’, dock roads, Refreshment Rooms, doss-houses, Unionist or Liberal Clubs, cindery waste ground, mill chimneys, slums, fried-fish shops, public-houses with red blinds, bethels in corrugated iron, good-class draper’s and confectioners’ shops, a cynically devastated countryside, sooty dismal little towns, and still sootier grim fortress-like cities. This England makes up the larger part of the Midlands and the North and exists everywhere; but it is not been added to and has no new life poured into it…
"The third England, I concluded, was the new post-war England, belonging far more to the age itself than to this particular island. America, I supposed, was its real birthplace. This is the England of arterial and by-pass roads, of filling stations and factories that look like exhibition buildings, of giant cinemas and dance-halls and cafes, bungalows with tiny garages, cocktail bars, Woolworths, motor-coaches, wireless, hiking, factory girls looking like actresses, greyhound racing and dirt tracks, swimming pools, and everything given away for cigarette coupons.’

A much better modern book about England was the final port of call on my travelogue-a-thon: Stuart Maconie's Adventures on the High teas. I read his first book about a year ago, Pies and Prejudice, which was a study of the North of England trying to find out what is cliche and what is fact. This book was a study of England with regard to the middle classes and what constitutes middle England, so it is as much a book about class and English society as it is about travel (although, I think it would be fair to say that about any of these four books). I liked the way Maconie looked at various hallmarks of middle-class-ness, such as music, and films and poetry. We visit Jane Austen's Bath, David Brent's Slough, and a whole host of other places in England to illustrate his themes. An engaging comforting read.
Do any of the rest of you read travel books? Do you prefer to read books about places that you've been to or places that you would like to go? One of my very favourite travel books is the latest edition of the Rough Guide to Devon and Cornwall because it reminds me of many of the places that I know and love. More on another couple of Cornish books in the next week or so.
Reading books about travel is something I rarely do. I like funny travelling memoirs like Bill Bryson's and want to read Stephen Fry's on America. I'm normally a fiction reader and if I'm visiting anywhere then I'll attempt to fit my reading locale in with the destination.
ReplyDeleteI enjoy your enthusiasm for travel books.
Stuart Maconie's books do sound like a lot of fun. I listened to him being interviewed on a podcast one day last Winter and he seemed like a terrific fellow. Books set in London are my favourite as I can visualize the streets, feel the people on the sidewalk and see into the shops when they open the door. While I'm in London, I'm banking memories for further reading adventures. I love that you are enthused by travel books regarding your own country, Canada doesn't hold that fascination for me.
ReplyDeleteSorry - something weird is happening and not all of my pictures are showing. Grr...
ReplyDeleteClaire - I find travel books are a bit like reading biographies of a place. But I don't tend to be interested in them unless they are places I know about, unlike biographies which I will read even if I know nothing about them.
Darlene - I love what you wrote about banking memories... Maybe you just need to find the right book about Canada...
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