The book is Julia Child's memoir of, as the title suggests, her life in France - she moved their with her diplomat husband in 1948 and initially found it difficult to settle in. But she quickly fell in love with French culture, shopping at the markets, attending dinner parties with other ex-pats, and taking cookery classes at the Cordon Bleu. She then made friends with some other french-food lovers and together they started to collaborate on the cookbook. It was a fascinating tale of a pretty inspiring woman; whilst Child could easily have suffered at having to move for her partner's job, she seized matters into her own hands and carved out a good life for herself.
I have to say, that whilst reading, I found it very difficult to imagine Julia Child as anyone other than the marvellous Meryl Streep (she is so good in that film!); I even heard her voice as I read through this autobiography. One thing that surprised me about the book was how recently it was published - mostly written with a ghost writer in the year leading up to her death, it was completed after she died in 2004. Because the cookbook is so very traditional, I somehow thought that this would be a much older book, which it isn't, but it does deal with a period of almost 60 years.

I really really really want to read this book. I'm sure I'll read it with Meryl Streep in my mind so glad you did to.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing your thoughts on this one Verity. I have it in my pile for Paris in July too. I haven't watched the movie verison of the Julie and Julia version so I might be able to have another picture of Julia in my mind. Although I do plan to watch the movie too...