One book I have read in the last few days that has really resonated with me is Teach us to sit still by Tim Parks. Unlike the rest of his books which are novels, this is an account of his attempt to come to terms with chronic illness. He suffered from a complex set of pains in the groin/prostate area which the doctors were unable to attribute to any cause and thus give him any meaningful diagnosis and treatment. The tests show that there is nothing wrong with him, which is good, but it means that he has to go home and live with the condition. I empathised so much - I have had so many tests done on my stomach, and I am apparently healthy, yet I still have to live with episodes of excruciating pain that don't seem connected to anything at all. So much of it sounded familiar - the exasperation of family members, the days when he could barely walk, the trying to get on with work and life... The last third of the book provides some optimism as Parks takes up meditation and finds some relief from his pain - it isn't something he finds natural but it does help. Something perhaps that I need to learn to do. I realise, writing this, after the first paragraph, that I do have a tendency to fill my days, to try to achieve - even when I am trying to take it easy, I am found on the sofa reading books and wondering whether to blog about them, texting/emailing my friends, or doing cross stitches.
Food for thought definitely, and a book to be recommended to anyone who has chronic pain which cannot be relieved, if just for the hopeful thought that even when things seem hopeless, there may be a possibility out there which is beyond the scope of the medical establishment. Perhaps I need someone to teach me to be still.
So that is what your facebook updates were refering to! I am so out of any news happening at the moment, even Dutch news..
ReplyDeleteAs for taking on swimming, wow! I really like how you approach it. And swimming to raise money like that must make you extra motivated as well as give it something special.
I for one do not mind reading about cakes and christmas cards :) I rather enjoy it.
A colleague of mine just told me yesterday that her doctor has recommended a colonoscopy as a last resort to find a cause of her stomach pain. She is so frustrated!
ReplyDeleteI think you are doing an incredible job of remaining active and productive despite your health issue.
Good luck with the swimming! I envy you, when I do my 40 lengths twice a week in a pool.
ReplyDeleteI am another advocate of keeping occupied and productive whilst dealing with health issues. Pain has been one in the past. Thanks goes to my mum who introduced me to crafts and reading at a very very early age. Idle hands make work for the devil.
I enjoy reading about your cakes, especially being on a diet at the moment, I do not have the willpower to make cakes and biscuits and then not eat them! It would just seem rude.