It has been a while since I've done a post on the theme of library loot, not in fact since I took a picture of my library TBR shelf for Booking through Thursday in July. As you'll see from here, the library books shelf has been somewhat diminished owing to the need for space for books actually owned by the Cardigan Girl.
I had hoped that spending less money on books would give me an incentive to get on with the piles of books on my TBRBC (To-be-read-book-case); sadly no. I went to the library (this almost sounds like the start of one of those memory games that I used to play as a child...) on Monday to return a book and ended up having to utilise the plastic bag that I keep in my handbag for emergencies such as these and returned with a whole stack of books.
I got:
* Strangers (Anita Brookner). This is her latest novel which I have been wanting to read for sometime and have already read.
* Next big thing (Anita Brookner). Spotted this when looking for Strangers and thought it looked good - I enjoy Anita Brookner.
* Lost lady (Willa Cather). Have not read any Cather and this is a Virago Modern Classic for my VVV challenge.
* Love on the supertax (Laski). Reserved this after reading Desperate Reader's review.
* Beacon (Susan Hill). Reserved this after reading several bloggers writing about Susan Hill. I felt a little let down by Howards End is on the landing, but I did love Mrs De Winter (sequel to Rebecca) and I wanted to read another book by her before I read The woman in black for Halloween.
* At home in Mitford (Karon). This was recommended after I reviewed Miss Read; JoAnn mentioned that this author was similar.
I have already read Anita Brookner's Strangers, and it was very good.
The rest of the books on this shelf have been languishing there for a while.
* I picked up the Wilkie Collins omnibus after following Simon Savidge's Sensation Season and read the first novella (which I enjoyed) but have yet to read the rest.
* Waterland by Graham Swift needs to be read ASAP as I have run out of renewals on it; I'm not sure why it is taking me so long to get around to reading it. I love Swift's writing and like the look of the theme of this - it is partly that I don't really like the look of this edition (and have seen a much nicer 25th anniversary edition in Waterstones...)
* The same applies to The truth about love (Hart); it needs to be read, and it looks interesting and is published by Virago, but it has just not leapt out at me.
The Sunday Salon: Slowly, But Surely
2 days ago
It is hard to leave a library without an armful that is for sure. But at least it didn't cost you anything. I worship Anita Brookner.
ReplyDeleteI love Cather, but have not read A Lost Lady. Will look forward to your thoughts on that one. At Home in Mitford is such a nice, cozy, gentle read. It should be just the thing when you're in the mood for that type of book. Enjoy your loot!
ReplyDeleteYou gotta love a lady whose eyes are bigger than her library bag!
ReplyDeleteThomas - me too - big fan of Anita Brookner.
ReplyDeleteJoAnn - I shall do!
Darlene - that's why I have a bicycle basket!
And, I did it again today - I filled my bag so full of library books that I will have to go out to get groceries after I get home tonight as there wasn't any space left!
ReplyDeleteI think that Wilkie omnibus s one I may have to get my hands on as I have missed out on a few of the stories in that one... oooh exciting!